Advance IVF Techniques For Better Results
in vitro fertilization (IVF) is a technique of assisted reproduction
of high complexity which involves removing eggs by follicular
puncture and then fertilizes in the laboratory with the man's sperm.
Next, the evolution of the embryos is observed until they are
transferred to the uterus of the future mother to achieve the
to reports, IVF specialists
revealed that around 80% of infertile couples can be treated by
methods rest need to undergo advanced treatments. IVF
Clinics these days are adopting these advance ways to
increase effectiveness of this procedure.
Genetic screening- IVF Clinics in
Delhi use this method to perform safe biopsy of few embryo
cells followed by genetic screening which allows them to select only
chromosomally normal embryos for transfer, reducing the rate of
miscarriage by 50 %. Screening also reduces the risk of genetic
diseases like Down and tay sachs syndromes.
Frozen embryos- This involves transfer of frozen embryo in uterus
during monthly cycle rather than placing fresh embryos into a drug
stimulated uterus. IVF Specialists in Delhi are
using this technique to increase the chances of pregnancy.
New medications- IVF clinics are
moving towards use of gonadotrophin releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa)
which acts as a stimulator of luteinizing hormone that triggers egg
IMSI (Intracytoplasmic sperm injection morphologically selection) is
one of the latest methods used by IVF
specialist in Delhi to select and inject sperm in middle of
from these advancements, Best IVF clinics offer fertility counselling
to couples planning to undergo IVF and fulfil their parenthood dream.
experts don’t deny the fact that success rate is not 100%, besides
this there are chances of multiple pregnancies and emotional stress
too, so one must go for proper counselling before taking final
Nurture Clinic in New Delhi lead by Dr. Archana Bajaj is one of the
best IVF clinic in India with state of art technology. Reputed IVF
specialists of the Nurture Clinic offer hassle free treatment with
proper counselling and in cost effective manner. The clinic is
working with full zeal to fulfil dreams of many parents.
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