
Showing posts from April, 2017

Advance IVF Techniques For Better Results

The in vitro fertilization (IVF) is a technique of assisted reproduction of high complexity which involves removing eggs by follicular puncture and then fertilizes in the laboratory with the man's sperm. Next, the evolution of the embryos is observed until they are transferred to the uterus of the future mother to achieve the pregnancy. According to reports, IVF specialists revealed that around 80% of infertile couples can be treated by methods rest need to undergo advanced treatments. IVF Clinics these days are adopting these advance ways to increase effectiveness of this procedure. 1. Genetic screening- IVF Clinics in Delhi use this method to perform safe biopsy of few embryo cells followed by genetic screening which allows them to select only chromosomally normal embryos for transfer, reducing the rate of miscarriage by 50 %. Screening also reduces the risk of genetic diseases like Down and tay sachs syndromes. 2. Frozen embryos- This involves transf

Who Can Help If You Are Not Getting Pregnant

Many couples face this dilemma about whom to talk if they are failing to conceive for a long time. Should they go to a gynecologist, an urologist or a fertility specialist? This question keeps them confused. But it is better to consult your gynecologist first. She can do your basic assessment as there may be many causes which is resulting in lack of conception. You may be suffering from one of them or more than one of them. She may recommend you, life style changes, proper diet changes or other such issues, which can be controlled at this level as these factors may also cause infertility. If needed she can also resort to ovulation induction. But if you are trying for more than a year then you should not wait and immediately consult one of the best infertility specialist in Delhi. A fertility specialist possess specialized training in gynecology and obstetrics. He or She also specializes in reproductive endocrinology and infertility. They specialize in assisted